Wyoming Board on Geographic Names
Next meeting: April 24, 2025 @3:00 PM in the Wyoming State Engineer's Conference Room (located @122 West 25th Street, Herschler Building 2 West, Cheyenne, WY 82002) meet.google.com/mwa-emek-fks or join by phone (US) +1 347-354-9323 PIN: 128 490 241# Meet
All meetings of the Wyoming Board on Geographic Names are open to the public.
The Wyoming Board on Geographic Names is an advisory Board established by Executive Order 1995-7 to evaluate proposals concerning name changes, new names, and name controversies of geographic features and certain public places in the State of Wyoming and then make official recommendations to the United States Board on Geographic Names, who gives final determinations for standardizing the names of geographic and natural features.
Carry out the goals and objectives of the United States Board on Geographic Names (BGN).
Assist and advise state agencies, organizations, and the general public in understanding the process and preparing applications for submission to the BGN.
Advise the BGN on matters concerning geographic names in Wyoming
Herbert W. Stoughton, Ph.D.: Chairman
John (Jack) Studley, PLS: Vice Chairman
Shelley Messer: Executive Director
contact: @ shelley.messer@wyo.gov or 307-777-5801
Calvin B Williams Cindy Brown
Dan White Janie Nelson
Mary Agnes McAleenan Jessica Otto
Scott Scherbel Jeffrey Hamerlinck
Scott Gerber Elijah True
The Wyoming Board of Geographic Names (WyoBGN) recognizes the need for open and candid communication concerning the naming and/or re-naming of geographic features within the State of Wyoming. The WyoBGN seeks and considers input from all interested sources before rendering decisions. This process may require several months, and is addressed at every scheduled meeting. Inquiries concerning the naming or re-naming of any geographic feature should be submitted to Ms. Shelley Messer, WyoBGN Executive Director, State Engineers' Office. Although any WyoBGN member can comment on a particular issue, it is the consensus of the members that inquiries should be directed to Ms. Messer, who has and maintains the official records of the organization. [Reference: WyoBGN meeting: 16 November 2022].
Current Discussions: Mount Woodring Proposal to Raven Peak
Mount Fryxell, Alternate Name Proposal
Equality Peak, Alternate Name Proposal
Mount Woodring Proposal to Raven Peak
Warning: The material contained in these documents has descriptions of violence and sexual assault, and may upset or offend some readers.
Supporting documents:
Teton County Board of Commissioners Support
The Wilderness Society/Greater Yellowstone Coalition Support
Supporting documents:
Equality Peak, Alternate Name Proposal
Principles, Policies, and Procedures Information:
By-laws United States Board on Geographic Names Policies
Executive Order 1995-7 Name Proposal process
The U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) is a Federal body created in 1890 and established in its present form by Public Law in 1947 to maintain uniform geographic name usage throughout the Federal Government. The BGN comprises representatives of Federal agencies concerned with geographic information, population, ecology, and management of public lands.
In the News:
Previous Recommendations:
18-April-2024 WBGN voted to recommend the removal of the name Mount Woodring, a feature in Grand Teton National Park. The discussion on a replacement name was tabled until the October 2024 meeting.
18-April-2024 WBGN voted to recommend the approval to name a previously unnamed stream in Natron county Porter Creek
11-January-2024 - The BGN approved the name Knight Lake, replacing Swastika lake
20-December-2023 WBGN voted to recommend the change Swastika Lake to Knight Lake
19-April-2023 WBGN voted to recommend the change Falls River Basin to Fall River Basin
18-May-2022 The WBGN voted to recommend rejection of the proposal to name an unnamed feature Mount Jackson Pollock
Proposals to rename Mount Doane and Hayden Valley: WBGN voted to recommend:
The name Mount Doane be changed to First People's Mountain.
The name Hayden Valley be retained.