Platte County Control Area
Current Advisory Board Members
Doug DeRouchey
Eydie Trautwein
Kelly Kennedy
Keith Ockinga
Brandin Miller
Upcoming Meetings/Announcements
An election was held December 4, 2024 at the Board of Control Office, 1560 B Johnston Street, Wheatland, Wyoming, to fill three vacancies on the Platte County Groundwater Control Area Advisory Board. The vacancies were created by the expired terms previously filled by Doug DeRouchey (District 1), Richard Johnson (District 2), and Kelly Kennedy (District 3).
Following the closing of the election, on behalf of the Division Advisory Committee, the State Engineer’s Office verified collected ballots for voter eligibility pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 41-3-913, and confirmed the members-elect own land or groundwater rights, or are the officers, officials or members of the board of a corporation which owns land or groundwater rights within the Platte County Groundwater Control Area.
The results of the election are that Doug DeRouchey was elected to serve a second term representing District 1, a new member, Eydie Trautwein, was elected representing District 2, and Kelly Kennedy was elected to serve a second term representing District 3. All will serve as advisory board members for a four-year term.
History Timeline
August 15, 1977 – the State Engineer forwarded a memorandum to the Board of Control referring to groundwater development in the Wheatland-Dwyer Junction Area. The SE advised the BOC that he had been requested to approve applications to appropriate groundwater for use in the Missouri Basin Power Project, Laramie River Generating Station near Wheatland from wells in what was referred to as the Johnson Well Field. During the course of evaluating this request, an extensive investigation into the groundwater conditions of the area was undertaken. The results of this investigation are published in the U.S. Geological Survey – Wyoming State Engineer’s Office cooperative publication entitled, “Digital Simulation Model of the Arikaree Aquifer in and Near Wheatland, Southeastern Wyoming” (Open file Report 77-676). The results of this investigation indicated that a groundwater problem may exist in the area. A closer look at the situation would be required as the aquifer is stressed with time. At the time, it was the opinion of the SE that any new applications to appropriate groundwater for high capacity uses, such as irrigation, industrial, municipal, or miscellaneous uses, where the proposed withdrawals exceed fifty (50) gallons of water per minute would be held unapproved and in a pending status until a firm determination of the aquifers’ response to present pumpage could be obtained.
August 17, 1977 – the BOC agreed to recommend to the SE that he establish a moratorium on the issuance of well permits for all uses other than miscellaneous, stock, and domestic uses, less than fifty (50) gpm. The moratorium area would be north of Wheatland between the Laramie and North Laramie Rivers.
August 26, 1977 – the SE issued an Order on the Johnson Well Field; in paragraph No. 8 of the Order, the State Engineer talked about the establishment of a groundwater control area.
March 1, 1978 – the BOC amended the description of the moratorium area to read as follows: The area is bound on the west by the Laramie Mountains, on the north by Cottonweed Creek on the south by the Laramie River, and on the east by the North Platte River. At this time, it was recommended that the moratorium remain in effect until the appeal of the Johnson Well Field Order was settled and until some determination is made as to how groundwater might be managed in the area. Said moratorium was to stay in effect until January 1979.
December 8, 1978 – the BOC agreed to extend the moratorium until the Special Meeting of the BOC to convene on February 5, 1979. This was subsequently carried over until the March 19, 1979 meeting of the BOC.
March 19, 1979 – the BOC extended the moratorium until April 1, 1980.
March 7, 1980 – the BOC extended the moratorium until the November 1980 Board meeting.
November 18, 1980 – the BOC agreed that the existing moratorium should be continued.
March 5, 1981 – the BOC voted to refer the matter to a public hearing in accordance with Section 41-3-912, Wyoming Statutes, 1977.
May 11, 1981 – a public hearing was held at the Wheatland High School Auditorium in Wheatland, Wyoming. As a result of the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing and comments submitted, the BOC voted to establish a groundwater Control Area for a portion of Platte County.
October 7, 1981 – as a result of the evidence presented at the public hearings and submitted comments, the BOC voted to establish the Platte County Control Area.
February 1, 1982 – the Order of the BOC designating the boundaries of the Platte County Control Area was issued.
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
* Pending approval by the Advisory Board at next scheduled meeting