Board of Control
Photo credit: Cheryl Timm
Photo credit: Danielle Roth
About the Board of Control
The State Board of Control is a quasi-judicial body with sole jurisdiction in the three A's of water rights:
The State Board of Control is comprised of the State Engineer, who serves as President of the Board, and the four Division Superintendents. Wyoming has four water divisions for administration purposes (see map below). Each division is headed by a superintendent based out of the main field offices, which are located in Torrington for Division I, Sheridan for Division II, Riverton for Division III, and Cokeville for Division IV.
The State Board of Control meets quarterly to discuss petitions and proofs as well as adjudicate newly permitted water rights. The adjudication process includes a field inspection to verify the water is being beneficially used in accordance with the permitted parameters. The Board of Control is also responsible for any modifications to adjudicated appropriations, such as changing the point of diversion and/or the place of use or abandoning a water right. The Board of Control also handles well relocations and changes of beneficial use for both unadjudicated and adjudicated water rights.
Photo credit: Loren Smith