Board of Control

Contact Board of Control: 307-777-6178

About the Board of Control

The State Board of Control is a quasi-judicial body with sole jurisdiction in the three A's of water rights:

The State Board of Control is the State Engineer and the Superintendents for each Water Division of the State. The State Board of Control meets quarterly during the year to discuss petitions and proofs. Wyoming is divided into four water Divisions, (see map at left), for administration purposes. Each of these Divisions is headed by a Superintendent. These four Superintendents, located in Torrington, Sheridan, Riverton, and Cokeville, in addition to the State Engineer comprise the Wyoming Board of Control. The Board of Control is responsible for the adjudication process for each permit. The Adjudication procedure involves a field inspection to assure that the water is being put to a beneficial use as specified under the permit. The Board of Control is also responsible for any changes to adjudicated rights, such as changes in point of diversion, change in use, change in the area of use, or abandonment of a water right.