Projects & Studies

The State Engineer is charged with administering and overseeing all matters involving Wyoming's interstate and intrastate streams and rivers. A primary objective of the agency is to safeguard the State’s current and future water supplies by preserving Wyoming’s ability to use and develop our water allocations under our interstate compacts and court decrees.  The Interstate Streams Division provides technical and policy support for water allocation and administration issues associated with these governing compacts and decrees. The Water Planning activities of the agency are also coordinated in this Division. 

This page is dedicated to share information about current and future studies. Please contact a river basin coordinator for basin specific questions

Transit Loss Study RFP NO. 23 - 001



SEALED unpriced PROPOSALS, INCLUDING 4 PAPER COPIES AND 1 DIGITAL COPY IN  PDF FORMAT ON A USB DRIVE, WILL BE RECEIVED by the WYOMING STATE  ENGINEER’S OFFICE, INTERSTATE STREAMS DIVISION (SEO), 122 West 25th Street,  Herschler 2W Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 (82009 if shipping by means other than US Postal  Service) until 3:00 PM June 6, 2024. The USB shall be labeled with the project name, contents of  the media and date. 

Any inquiries regarding this request for proposal should be directed to Mel Fegler in writing,  Wyoming State Engineer’s Office: Interstate Streams Division, 122 West 25th Street, Herschler  Bldg. 2W, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, 

Your proposal shall be based on the following attachments "A", "B", and "C".  DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF MAY, 2024

Brandon Gebhart, Director , Wyoming State Engineer’s Office



1. In order to be considered for an award, each proposal must bear the signature of the  proposer or his authorized representative, the work must be supervised by a Wyoming licensed  engineer/geologist, as appropriate, and the firm must be registered with the State of Wyoming. 

2. Proposals received after the date and time specified will not be accepted or considered.  This requirement is strictly enforced. 

3. After the successful proposer is selected, the SEO will negotiate a final contract, scope of  services, and contract price based on, but not limited to, the work items in Attachment "B". The  SEO, at its sole discretion and through duly authorized contract amendments, may request the  selected consultant to complete additional work or phases beyond the scope of services included  in the initial contract. 

4. After the final contract is negotiated and work begun, payment to the successful proposer  shall be based on an itemized billing of work completed as derived from the approved hourly rate  and reimbursable expenses price schedule approved by the SEO and contained in the contract for  services. A total contract amount and an amount for each task will be specified in the contract.  The total contract amount is controlling and shall not be exceeded without prior written consent of  the SEO. Requests for payment must be made on an invoice submitted to the SEO, or an approved  equivalent form, and must be properly executed. Payment will be made no more often than  monthly.  

5. The successful proposer shall furnish all materials, equipment and labor necessary to  complete the Study. 

6. The SEO reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted. If the SEO opts to  reject all proposals, it may exercise its discretion to repeat the process from the most appropriate  step under the circumstances.  

7. The successful proposer shall be fully insured as to hold the SEO g harmless from any  claims involving the employees or equipment used by the successful proposer and subconsultants  while executing this service. 

8. The successful proposer shall be familiar with all applicable state laws. The attention of  prospective proposers is called to the requirements as to the conditions of employment to be  observed and to all applicable laws affecting the work, particularly to the procurement procedures  required by Section 9-2-3204 and Section 9-23-101 through 9-23-107, Wyoming Statutes.

9. No prospective proposer shall withdraw their proposal for a period of thirty (30) days after  the actual date of proposal opening. 

10. The SEO shall provide assistance and cooperation to firms preparing proposals for this  project as necessary. The proposer should understand that verbal comments may be subject to  misinterpretation and are in no way binding on the individual, the Office, or the SEO. If questions  arise concerning any aspect of this request for proposal, the proposer should request clarification  in writing. A copy of this request, as well as the written response, shall be provided to all firms  receiving a request for proposal on the project. 

11. The SEO hereby notifies all prospective proposers that it will affirmatively ensure that in  any contract entered into pursuant to the advertisement, small or minority business enterprises will  be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response to this invitation and will not be  discriminated against on the grounds of age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or ancestry  in consideration for an award. 

12. The proposer hereby agrees that should they be awarded this contract, proposer shall not  discriminate against any person who performs work thereunder because of age, race, religion,  color, sex, national origin or ancestry. 

13. The proposer has not and will not attempt to induce any other person or firm to submit or  decline to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition. 


The unpriced proposal shall be prepared and contain the following information: 

1. Cover letter submitted with proposal. 

2. Title page. 

3. Table of Contents. 

4. An introduction of the firm and subcontractors to be used on this project if chosen. This  should also include specific staff descriptions, including team members and the project manager  that will be assigned to this project, and where they are located. As applicable, include a  certification that the work conducted will be supervised by a professional engineer licensed in  Wyoming as required by the provisions of WS 33-29-114 through WS 33-29-139. Provide the  Wyoming Board of Professional Engineer’s license number of your firm. If the proposer claims  to be a “resident firm” as defined by Section 9-23-102, Wyoming Statutes, the proposer must meet  statutory requirements. The proposal from a resident firm must include sufficient information to  demonstrate that the firm will meet these statutory requirements.

5. Scope of Services: 

A detailed Preliminary Scope of Services is included in Attachment "B". State how you intend to  conduct the activities presented in the Preliminary Scope of Services, and list all assumptions made  in preparing the proposal. The proposed work/approach should be presented in the same format as  in Attachment "B" and should address all the requirements contained therein.  

6. Proposed Scope Alterations: 

If you feel that the Preliminary Scope of Services (Attachment "B") may be improved by additions,  deletions, or changes, please elaborate in this section. State your alterations as specific task  changes for the activities presented in the Preliminary Scope. 

7. Qualifications and methods: 

a. Showcase your firm's capability for performing this project, including a review of the  firm’s understanding of streamflow, its impacting variables, transit losses, and the value of the  project. 

b. Provide a method of identifying existing data, data gaps, and requirements to solve the  objectives of the Study.  

c. Provide your firm’s proposed methodology of completing the project objectives.  d. Provide a resume for each key project member.  

8. Listing of current clients whose interests may compete or conflict with the project  described herein. 

9. Work Schedule. Provide a proposed timeline for each specific task in the methods to  complete the project objectives.  

10. List any projects for which your firm has been under contract to the project sponsor during  the period of 2019 to 2023. This list should include individual project names, dates and contract  amounts

11. Provide a table of deliverables and descriptions of the importance of each.  


Firm interviews may include discussion of each firm’s projection’s of project costs and estimated  fees based on the description of work in this Request for Proposal. The firm shall prepare a  proposed budget table that includes the firm’s projections of project costs and estimated fees for  presentation at the interview. The proposed hourly rate and reimbursable expenses price schedules  for each firm involved shall be included in each price proposal. The price proposal summary in  Attachment “C” may be used as a template in preparing a proposed budget table.  


The SEO will conduct the selection process for professional services in accordance with the  Professional Architectural, Engineering and Land Surveying Services Procurement Act, a Wyoming Statutes 9-23-101 through 9-23-107.



1. Location. This Green River and New Fork Transit Loss Study, hereinafter referred to as the  "Study," is seeking proposals to evaluate and quantify transit losses in the Green River (from Warren  Bridge to Fontenelle Reservoir), and New Fork River (from New Fork Lake to Green River), from this  point forward described as the “Study Area” (Figure 1). 

2. Purpose. The purpose of this Study is to quantify the transit loss associated with stream  reaches in the Study Area. Understanding system input and output variables in key reaches of the  Study Area and its tributaries is of high value to carrying out this task. Streamflow in Wyoming is  impacted heavily by diversions delivering water rights, but an additional impact on streamflow,  regardless of water right delivery presence, is transit losses. Transit losses occur from a stream  system and include evapotranspiration from riparian vegetation, evaporation from open water,  bank storage, and groundwater recharge. Stream reaches in Wyoming have varying degrees of  data available to understand transit losses. The first task of this RFP will be to evaluate gaps in  the existing data being collected. The second task in this RFP is a proposed method(s) to answer  the remaining Study objectives. 

The Study seeks to answer the following questions: 

1. What is the essential data needed for a transit loss investigation?  

2. Where/what are the missing essential data (i.e. data gaps) within the Study Area?  What additional tools (e.g., stream gages) are necessary to address any data gaps?  3. What is the transit loss contribution of each reach of the Study Area throughout a  water year?  

4. What are the contributing variables and magnitude of variables to transit loss in each  reach of the Study? 

   3. History. The SEO is tasked with overseeing and protecting water rights in Wyoming. There are  historical studies quantifying transit losses or characteristics outlined in this         RFP, but no recent study has been completed, nor were previous studies able to provide definitive transit loss calculation methods as requested within this RFP. 


1. Monthly Progress Reports and Billing Statements 

The Consultant shall submit a brief monthly progress report outlining the Study status, progress,  and results to date, regardless of whether or not a billing statement is submitted, on or before the  last working day of the month. 

Each billing statement must include a task-by-task report justifying the cost items contained in the  billing statement. The monthly progress report may be used as the justification for the billing  statement as long as all cost items covered in the billing statement are addressed in the progress  report. 

2. Computer Models, Geographic Information System (GIS), Statement of Assumptions,  Project Work File 

a. If the Consultant writes or uses a computer program or spreadsheet as a part of this project,  the Consultant shall submit to the SEO for approval all proposed program names and data formats  prior to beginning work on that task. All data shall be submitted to the SEO in written and digital  forms with the final report. Digital media shall be labeled by the Consultant to provide sufficient  detail to access the information on the media. User manuals shall be submitted by the Consultant  to the SEO providing complete documentation of computer programs developed under this project.  The user manuals shall also contain the source code language and the type of computer equipment  necessary to operate the program(s). The computer programs and spreadsheets (written and digital  forms) are due on the same date as the final report, which contains the information generated by  the programs. 

The Consultant shall adhere to the following GIS standards: 

(i) FEATURE MAPPING. The Consultant shall acquire the appropriate Geodatabase  Template for feature mapping from prior to  any GIS work. Five Geodatabase Templates are available and are specific to project type. These  templates define the organization and naming requirements for feature classes, tables, and the  required attributes within the feature classes. Data needed for the project and described in this  contract may include core data or auxiliary data. Core data includes features which fit within one  of the feature classes in the Geodatabase Template, whether newly created or acquired from  another source. All core data shall be loaded into the Geodatabase Template. This shall include  populating all relevant field attributes with contract number, primary consultant, date modified,  and accuracy being required. In certain circumstances, the consultant may need to provide a  second set of core data in a format for the benefit of the project sponsor. This would occur when  a project sponsor already has GIS data in a format that differs from the SEO format, or when an  alternative format would provide more benefit to the sponsor than the SEO format (e.g., a  different coordinate system, or database structure). In these situations, the consultant will provide 

(ii) core GIS data using the Geodatabase template, and a second core GIS dataset in the format that meets the needs of the project sponsor. Auxiliary data sets include features which  do not fit within one of the feature classes in the Geodatabase Templates, whether newly created  or acquired from another source. The auxiliary data can be linked to the templates or managed  separately as needed for project completion.  

(iii) FORMATS and STANDARDS. Metadata are required for each included feature class and table (including those obtained from another source) and for each newly created feature. If a  feature class in the template is not populated or field attributes are not populated indicate the reason for this in metadata. A detailed example for feature class metadata is provided in the Geodatabase Templates. This includes required information and default language, where appropriate, for each of the five metadata sections. Feature-level metadata requirements are also described in the Memorandum. Codes or values created for attribute fields, which are not already included as part of the core data templates, shall be defined in the metadata. GIS data shall be saved in a Decimal Degree Coordinate system with a NAD83 datum, specifically “GCS_North_American_1983." In addition to the Project geodatabase(s) and map file(s), GIS  deliverables may also include linked nonspatial data/databases (.accdb, .xlsx), rasters (various  formats), photographs (.jpg), maps (.pdf), and file integrated metadata references (.xml, .txt).  Core data shall be delivered within the Geodatabase Template. Auxiliary data can be provided as .shp files and metadata are required. 

(iv) MAPS. Project GIS deliverables shall be organized in such a way as to allow easy replication of the maps found in the final project report. The GIS project files shall be provided as ESRI ArcGIS .mxd, or .aprx files saved with relative path names to data sources. 

b. To facilitate the SEO’s accurate evaluation of the Consultant's work product, computations, conclusions and recommendations, the Consultant shall: 

(i) Include in the final report a section describing the assumptions and methodology used by the Consultant in generating the data and conclusions contained in that chapter. 

(ii) Maintain a project work file containing the materials and all raw data1 used in project analysis. This file will be available for review by the SEO and should be organized in such a way as to allow replication of the steps and procedures used by the Consultant to reach the conclusions described in the Study. 

(iii) Prepare a project notebook containing a description of the assumptions and methodologies used in the project analysis. The notebook shall be organized in such a way as to allow replication of the steps, calculations, and procedures used by the Consultant to reach conclusions, described in the draft final report. The project notebook shall be submitted with the draft final report.

4. Final Report 

The Consultant shall use the Contract Scope of Services as the outline for draft and final reports  so that Consultant compliance with Contract provisions can be verified. If the final report contains  information of an engineering nature, the cover of the final report, all plates, and the executive  summary must be stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of  Wyoming. If the final report contains information of a geologic nature, the cover of the final  report, all plates, and the executive summary must be stamped and signed by a Professional  Geologist licensed in the State of Wyoming. If the final report contains information of both an  engineering and geologic nature, the cover of the final report, all plates, and the executive summary  must be stamped and signed by both a Professional Engineer and a Professional Geologist licensed  in the State of Wyoming.  

5. Final Report - Digital Format 

In addition to the paper submittal described in Section C.4 above, the Consultant shall also provide  the final documents and related materials in a digital format. This digital report shall be contained  on USB drive(s), or other media as approved by the project manager, and shall be in Searchable  Image Adobe Acrobat format (pdf).  

6. Project Access 

The Consultant shall be responsible for obtaining access as required for project tasks. 

7. Stand-By Time 

The SEO will not reimburse the Consultant for stand-by time charges for the Consultant's  supervisory personnel. 

C. SCOPE OF SERVICES: All information gained in the process of this Study will be included in the draft and final reports for the project. 

Task 1. Information Review 

The Consultant shall gather and review relevant information pertaining to transit losses,  evaporation, and consumptive use within the Study Area. Studies or research performed on these  river basins or in other basins inside or outside of the State of Wyoming shall also be reviewed if  they are deemed relevant to this Study. This includes information available through the Wyoming  Water Development Office (WWDC), Water Resources Data System, Wyoming State Engineer’s  Office (SEO), Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States  Geological Survey (USGS), and any other sources as appropriate.  

The Consultant shall provide a summary of existing information in the final report and, where  applicable, include the document title, year written, author, date completed, synopsis, and  Study’s recommendations. The Consultant shall provide a digital library that contains  individual pdfs of each study reviewed in this task to the project manager.  

Task 2. Meetings 

Project meetings with the SEO team and project manager will occur monthly and be conducted  virtually. Either party may request an in-person meeting when the need arises. The Consultant  shall prepare all materials and meeting notes, as applicable. 

A scoping meeting shall be held early in the project schedule, to obtain input from, and share  information between, the SEO and the Consultant. The scoping meeting will be in Cheyenne and  shall be coordinated with the SEO project manager. 

Task 3. Site Determination 

The Consultant shall identify all appropriate active gages and proposed gage location(s), within  the Study Area for the purposes of evaluating transit losses and the development of a regional tool  and/or method to estimate transit loss. These sites may be identified based on geology, soil type,  system size, the ability to represent a larger geographic region, gaining access if applicable, and  any other relevant characteristics as approved by the project manager. This Task shall be  completed in coordination with the project manager, as will obtaining authorization to access the  identified sites, if applicable. 

Task 4. Transit Loss Measurements  

The Consultant shall utilize sufficient measurement data set(s) including time scale (historical  and/or current), seasonality of data, and means and methods to quantify the transit loss for each  of the sites identified in Task 3. The methodology ultimately selected must be fully described in  the final written report with all supporting data. The Consultant may propose a method(s) to  obtain measurements at each site in, and in doing so, adhere to the prescribed practices and  limitations defined by the methodologies selected.  

If applicable, the Consultant is responsible for supplying and deploying the equipment required  for the completion of this task, unless otherwise agreed to in written form with the SEO after the  signing of the contract.

Task 5. Regional Tool and Procedures Development 

The Consultant shall develop a tool and/or method with long term applicability to characterize and  quantify transit losses for the current Study Area and all applicable stream reaches. This tool and/or  method should incorporate all necessary data for the proposed Study Area and components to be  utilized for future assessments. The Consultant, in coordination with the project manager and the  SEO, will develop methodology and guidance for the use of this tool. Within the guidance  provided, the tool and/or method shall be applied to the measurement sites chosen to provide examples of its use. 

The Consultant shall develop procedures along stream reaches to estimate transit loss that may be  due to evapotranspiration, bank storage, groundwater recharge, and evaporation.  

If feasible, the Consultant shall estimate each variable's impact on transit loss.  

Task 6. Recommendations  

The Consultant shall develop recommendations relating to the improvement of transit loss  estimations. These recommendations may identify additional opportunities for refinement and  areas of further study. The Consultant will provide cost estimates and possible funding  opportunities for additional research.  

Task 7. Draft Report 

The Consultant shall submit to the SEO project manager two (2) hard copies of a draft report  describing the results of all work completed in this Study, 1 month prior to the proposed  completion of the Study, as well as a digital copy of the report in Microsoft Word format, sent by  email. In addition, two (2) USB drive copies of the draft GIS, Excel, and any other models and/or  digital tools will be provided. Each USB drive shall be clearly labeled.  

Task 8. Report Presentations 

Following the review of the draft report, the Consultant shall present the findings of the Study to  an audience and location determined by the SEO. This presentation is independent of the meetings  included under Task 2. Information and materials to be presented at the SEO meeting shall be  developed by the Consultant after consultation with the project manager. The Consultant shall be  responsible for developing a record of the meeting which shall become an appendix in the final  report. The record will include: any formal and/or informal notices; any materials presented or  handed out at the meeting; a record of attendance; any written comments, statements, or exhibits  received; recorded testimony, or a memorandum summarizing the views and comments presented  at the meeting; and other pertinent data.

The Consultant shall coordinate with the project manager in planning for the  presentation to ensure adherence to established policies and guidelines.  

Task 9. Final Report and Deliverables 

After incorporation of the project manager’s review comments on the draft report, the Consultant  shall submit one (1) final reports and one (1) executive summary in hard copy along with two (2)  USB drive containing the final report and executive summary in a text-recognized Adobe Acrobat  (pdf) format to the project manager 1 to 2 weeks prior to the final deadline for final comparison  purposes. The pdf version shall be completely assembled into one stand-alone file and shall be  exactly the same version as the hard copies. Any discrepancies discovered by the project manager between the hard copy and electronic copy during this final comparison are the  responsibility of the Consultant to correct.  

Upon completion of the final quality assurance process by the SEO, the Consultant shall submit  all final documents and materials, to the project manager on or before February 1, 2026. These  final documents and materials, shall include: 1) three (3) hard copies of the final report, and 2)  three (3) hard copies of the executive summary. The executive summary shall outline the purpose,  findings, recommendations and configuration of the project.  

The summary should not exceed ten (10) pages. One of the hard copies shall be sent to the SEO  Cokeville Office. Any final reports which have been submitted in three-ring notebook format shall  have spine labels clearly identifying the project, Consultant and date. In addition, the following  USB drives and contents shall be provided:  

Four (4) USB drive copies containing the final report and executive summary in original formats  (Word, Excel, etc.) and in a text-recognized Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. The pdf version will be  completely assembled into one stand-alone file. All electronic files shall be exactly the same  version as the hard copies. The USB drives shall contain GIS data. See Attachment “B”, Section  B Project Requirements, item #2 for further details. Each USB shall be labeled with the project  name, contents of the media and date (month and year only). 

Two (2) USB drives containing individual digital copies of each study reviewed in Task 1 will be  submitted to the project manager. Each USB shall be labeled with the project name, contents of  the media and date (month and year only).  

Two (2) USB drive copies of the Regional Tool developed in Task 5. This should include the  methodology and guidance developed. Each USB shall be labeled with the project name, contents  of the media and date (month and year only). 

One (1) project notebook containing the working files used in this project will be provided. The  project notebook files shall include descriptions of the assumptions and methodologies used in the  project analysis. The notebook shall be organized in such a way as to allow replication of the steps, calculations, and procedures used by the Consultant to reach the conclusions described in the final report. The preferred format for the project notebook is digital, provided on a USB  drive. Each USB shall be labeled with the project name, contents of the media and date  (month and year only). Any project notebooks which have been submitted in three-ring  notebook format shall have spine labels clearly identifying the project, Consultant and date. 


Task Estimated Cost 

1. Information Review $____________ 2. Meetings $____________ 3. Site Determination $____________ 4. Transit Loss Measurements $____________ 5. Regional Tool and Procedures Development $____________ 6. Recommendations $____________ 7. Draft Report $____________ 8. Report Presentations $____________ 9. Final Report and Deliverables $____________ 


Including Labor, Reimbursable, and Subconsultant Expenses $____________ 

In the spaces below, provide the Labor and Reimbursable Expenses of the prime consultant along  with any additional Subconsultant Expenses which are included within the above tasks. These  three amounts when added together should equal the project total cost listed above. 

Proposed Labor Expenses (prime only) $__________ Proposed Reimbursable Expenses (prime only) $__________ Proposed Subconsultant Expenses $__________ 

Firm Name and Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 

Signature of Firm President or Authorized Agent: _________________________ Title of Authorized Agent: __________________________________________ Employer Identification Number: _____________________________________

Water Availability Study RFP NO. 23-002


SEALED unpriced PROPOSALS, INCLUDING 4 PAPER COPIES AND 1 DIGITAL COPY IN  PDF FORMAT ON A USB DRIVE, WILL BE RECEIVED by the WYOMING STATE  ENGINEER’S OFFICE, INTERSTATE STREAMS DIVISION (SEO), 122 West 25th Street,  Herschler 2W Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 (82009 if shipping by means other than US Postal  Service) until 3:00 PM June 6, 2024 The USB shall be labeled with the project name, contents of  the media and date.  

Any inquiries regarding this request for proposal should be directed to Mel Fegler in writing,  Wyoming State Engineer’s Office: Interstate Streams Division, 122 West 25th Street, Herschler  Bldg. 2W, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002,  

Your proposal shall be based on the following attachments "A", "B", and "C".  DATED THIS 23RD DAY OF MAY, 2024  

Brandon Gebhart, Director , Wyoming State Engineer’s Office



1. In order to be considered for an award, each proposal must bear the signature of the  proposer or his authorized representative, the work must be supervised by a Wyoming licensed  engineer/geologist, as appropriate, and the firm must be registered with the State of Wyoming. 

2. Proposals received after the date and time specified will not be accepted or considered.  This requirement is strictly enforced. 

3. After the successful proposer is selected, the SEO will negotiate a final contract, scope of  services, and contract price based on, but not limited to, the work items in Attachment "B". The  SEO, at its sole discretion and through duly authorized contract amendments, may request the  selected consultant to complete additional work or phases beyond the scope of services included  in the initial contract. 

4. After the final contract is negotiated and work begun, payment to the successful proposer  shall be based on an itemized billing of work completed as derived from the approved hourly rate  and reimbursable expenses price schedule approved by the SEO and contained in the contract for  services. A total contract amount and an amount for each task will be specified in the contract.  The total contract amount is controlling and shall not be exceeded without prior written consent of  the SEO. Requests for payment must be made on an invoice submitted to the SEO, or an approved equivalent form, and must be properly executed. Payment will be made no more often than  monthly.  

5. The successful proposer shall furnish all materials, equipment and labor necessary to  complete the study. 

6. The SEO reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted. If the SEO opts to reject  all proposals, it may exercise its discretion to repeat the process from the most appropriate step  under the circumstances. 

7. The successful proposer shall be fully insured as to hold the SEO harmless from any claims  involving the employees or equipment used by the successful proposer and subconsultants while  executing this service. 

8. The successful proposer shall be familiar with all applicable state laws. The attention of  prospective proposers is called to the requirements as to the conditions of employment to be  observed and to all applicable laws affecting the work, particularly to the procurement procedures  required by Section 9-2-3204 and Section 9-23-101 through 9-23-107, Wyoming Statutes.

9. No prospective proposer shall withdraw their proposal for a period of thirty (30) days after  the actual date of proposal opening. 

10. The SEO shall provide assistance and cooperation to firms preparing proposals for this  project as necessary. The proposer should understand that verbal comments may be subject to  misinterpretation and are in no way binding on the individual, the Office, or the SEO. If questions  arise concerning any aspect of this request for proposal, the proposer should request clarification  in writing. A copy of this request, as well as the written response, shall be provided to all firms  receiving a request for proposal on the project. 

11. The SEO hereby notifies all prospective proposers that it will affirmatively ensure that in  any contract entered into pursuant to the advertisement, small or minority business enterprises will  be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response to this invitation and will not be  discriminated against on the grounds of age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or ancestry  in consideration for an award. 

12. The proposer hereby agrees that should they be awarded this contract, proposer shall not  discriminate against any person who performs work thereunder because of age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin or ancestry. 

13. The proposer has not and will not attempt to induce any other person or firm to submit or  decline to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition. 


The unpriced proposal shall be prepared and contain the following information: 

1. Cover letter submitted with proposal. 

2. Title page. 

3. Table of Contents. 

4. An introduction of the firm and subcontractors to be used on this project if chosen. This  should also include specific staff descriptions, including team members and the project manager  that will be assigned to this project, and where they are located. As applicable, include a  certification that the work conducted will be supervised by a professional engineer licensed in  Wyoming as required by the provisions of WS 33-29-114 through WS 33-29-139. Provide the  Wyoming Board of Professional Engineer’s license number of your firm. If the proposer claims  to be a “resident firm” as defined by Section 9-23-102, Wyoming Statutes, the proposer must meet  statutory requirements. The proposal from a resident firm must include sufficient information to  demonstrate that the firm will meet these statutory requirements.

5. Scope of Services: 

A detailed Preliminary Scope of Services is included in Attachment "B". State how you intend to  conduct the activities presented in the Preliminary Scope of Services, and list all assumptions made  in preparing the proposal. The proposed work/approach should be presented in the same format as  in Attachment "B" and should address all the requirements contained therein.  

6. Proposed Scope Alterations: 

If you feel that the Preliminary Scope of Services (Attachment "B") may be improved by additions,  deletions, or changes, please elaborate in this section. State your alterations as specific task  changes for the activities presented in the Preliminary Scope. 

7. Qualifications and methods: 

a. Showcase your firm's capability for performing this project, including a review of the  firm’s understanding of streamflow, its impacting variables, transit losses, and the value of the  project. 

b. Provide a method of identifying existing data, data gaps, and requirements to solve the  objectives of the Study.  

c. Provide your firm’s proposed methodology of completing the project objectives.  d. Provide a resume for each key project member.  

8. Listing of current clients whose interests may compete or conflict with the project  described herein. 

9. Work Schedule. Provide a proposed timeline for each specific task in the methods to  complete the project objectives.  

10. Provide a table of deliverables and descriptions of the importance of each.


Firm interviews may include discussion of each firm’s projection’s of project costs and estimated  fees based on the description of work in this Request for Proposal. The firm shall prepare a  proposed budget table that includes the firm’s projections of project costs and estimated fees for  presentation at the interview. The proposed hourly rate and reimbursable expenses price schedules  for each firm involved shall be included in each price proposal, and shall be in Word format. The  price proposal summary in Attachment “C” may be used as a template in preparing a proposed  budget table.  


The SEO will conduct the selection process for professional services in accordance with the  Professional Architectural, Engineering and Land Surveying Services Procurement Act, Wyoming  Statutes 9-23-101 through 9-23-107.



1. Location. The Water Availability Impacts on Consumptive Use (CU) Study, hereinafter  referred to as the "Study," will compare annual CU data when Free River and/or Seconds are not  available across various scales in the South Piney drainage. 

2. Purpose. The purpose of this Study is to quantify the consumptive use associated with  stream reaches in the South Piney Drainage. The Study will employ all informative historical  administrative diversion data from the SEO, state-of-the-art scientific methods, remotely sensed  data, and existing observational networks, e.g., USGS stream gage network and the SEO’s  SEOflow database, to achieve its objectives. Understanding system input and output variables in  key reaches of South Piney drainage and its tributaries is of high value to carrying out this task.  Streamflow in Wyoming is impacted heavily by diversions delivering water rights, but an  additional impact on streamflow, regardless of water right delivery presence, is consumptive uses.  

The first task of this RFP will be to evaluate gaps in the existing data being collected. The second  task in this RFP is a proposed method(s) to answer the remaining Study objectives. 

The Study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What relevant data is available to inform the impacts of water availability on  consumptive use? 

2. What data gaps exist? 

3. What detectable difference in consumptive use is there during water years with and  without the availability of Free River and/or Seconds in the South Piney drainage in consumptive  use when compared to historical administrative data on the South Piney drainage? 4. What is the estimated reduced CU associated with regulating off Free River and Seconds  on a field, stream reach, and drainage scale? 

3. History. The Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (WSEO), is tasked with overseeing and  protecting water rights in the Green River Basin in Wyoming. Wyoming is a Prior Appropriation  Water Right state, and as such, administrators are tasked with the regulation of water rights across  the state. In the beginning of the irrigation season, prior to there being a “call” for regulation of  junior water right holders, the drainage is said to have access to “Free River”. Once a “call” has  been made, all diversions are regulated to their adjudicated amount. In drainages that require regulation in any given water year, under Wyoming law, irrigation water rights are adjudicated on  the basis of 1 cubic foot per second (CFS) per 70 acres. Irrigation water rights with priority dates  of March 1, 1945, or earlier, are allowed an additional 1 CFS per 70 acres, often (and herein)  referred to as a “Second”, (Surplus Water, Wyo. Stat. Ann § 41-4-318 through 324). Similarly,  irrigation water rights with priority dates of March 1, 1985, or earlier, are also allowed an  additional 1 CFS per 70 acres (Excess Water, Wyo. Stat. Ann § 41-4-329 through 41-4-331).  

Therefore, typically a stream system will begin in Free River condition. As stream runoff flow  rates decrease, water rights will be regulated to their Second (March 1945 or March 1985 priority  date), and finally regulated to their original 1 CFS per 70 acres, which has their original permitted  priority date. Detailed descriptions of these conditions can be found in the key terminology section.  As these lands and conveyance lengths may differ, when Free River and Seconds are available in  any irrigation season, they may either increase the water arriving at the field or may be used to  augment the original 1 CFS through the conveyance system to the lands being irrigated with that  water right. This scope of work describes data needs and methods that will inform the WSEO of  the reduction in CU that occurs when Free River and Seconds are regulated off or are not present. 

Water administration of the South Piney drainage of the Green River basin frequently requires  regulation to follow Wyoming’s Priority Schedule. As a result, this consistent regulation may  make the South Piney1 drainage a good example of what impacts occur to the annual CU of the  drainage when Free River and Seconds are regulated off or are not available in an irrigation  season. The Consultant will have access to 17 years of WSEO water right administration. The  impact on CU under these various conditions remains relatively unexplored in Wyoming,  particularly in data-limited settings such as those with non-telemetered diversions. However, the  presence of historical water right diversion administration data and an existing network of  streamflow gages spanning the inflow and diversions of the South Piney drainage, along with  high-resolution remotely sensed data from Sentinel-2 and Landsat satellites, offer a unique  opportunity to assess the reduced CU under these conditions. The Consultant will have access to  evapotranspiration, CU, and irrigated agricultural acreage data extending from 1991 to 2023, that  were estimated by the Bureau of Reclamation and finalized in May 20242.  

Furthermore, there is potential to investigate reductions in CU at multiple scales across the South  Piney drainage. 


1. Monthly Progress Reports and Billing Statements 

The Consultant shall submit a brief monthly progress report outlining the study status, progress,  and results to date, regardless of whether or not a billing statement is submitted, on or before the last working day of the month.  

Each billing statement must include a task-by-task report justifying the cost items contained in the  billing statement. The monthly progress report may be used as the justification for the billing  statement as long as all cost items covered in the billing statement are addressed in the progress  report.  

2. Computer Models, Geographic Information System (GIS), Statement of Assumptions, Project Work File 

a. If the Consultant writes or uses a computer program or spreadsheet as a part of this project, the Consultant shall submit to the SEO for approval all proposed program names and data formats prior to beginning work on that task. All data shall be submitted to the SEO in written and digital forms with the final report. Digital media shall be labeled by the Consultant to provide sufficient detail to access the information on the media. User manuals shall be submitted by the Consultant to the SEO providing complete documentation of computer programs developed under this project. The user manuals shall also contain the source code language and the type of computer equipment necessary to operate the program(s). The computer programs and spreadsheets (written and digital forms) are due on the same date as the final report, which contains the information generated by the programs. 

The Consultant shall adhere to the following GIS standards:  

(i) FEATURE MAPPING. The Consultant shall acquire the appropriate Geodatabase Template for feature mapping from prior to any GIS work. Five Geodatabase Templates are available and are specific to project type. These templates define the organization and naming requirements for feature classes, tables, and the required attributes within the feature classes. Data needed for the project and described in this contract may include core data or auxiliary data. Core data includes features which fit within one of the feature classes in the Geodatabase Template, whether newly created or acquired from another source. All core data shall be loaded into the Geodatabase Template. This shall include  populating all relevant field attributes with contract number, primary consultant, date modified,  and accuracy being required. In certain circumstances, the Consultant may need to provide a  second set of core data in a format for the benefit of the project sponsor. This would occur when a  project sponsor already has GIS data in a format that differs from the SEO format, or when an  alternative format would provide more benefit to the sponsor than the SEO format (e.g., a  different coordinate system, or database structure). In these situations, the Consultant will provide  core GIS data using the Geodatabase template, and a second core GIS dataset in the format that  meets the needs of the project sponsor. Auxiliary data sets include features which do not fit  within one of the feature classes in the Geodatabase Templates, whether newly created or acquired from another source. The auxiliary data can be linked to the templates or managed separately as needed for project completion. 

(ii) FORMATS and STANDARDS. Metadata are required for each included feature class and table (including those obtained from another source) and for each newly created feature. If a feature class in the template is not populated or field attributes are not populated indicate the reason for this in metadata. A detailed example for feature class metadata is provided in the 

Geodatabase Templates. This includes required information and default language, where appropriate, for each of the five metadata sections. Feature-level metadata requirements are also described in the Memorandum. Codes or values created for attribute fields, which are not already included as part of the core data templates, shall be defined in the metadata. GIS data shall be saved in a Decimal Degree Coordinate system with a NAD83 datum, specifically “GCS_North_American_1983. In addition to the Project geodatabase(s) and map file(s), GIS deliverables may also include linked nonspatial data/databases (.accdb, .xlsx), rasters (various formats), photographs (.jpg), maps (.pdf), and file integrated metadata references (.xml, .txt). Core data shall be delivered within the Geodatabase Template. Auxiliary data can be provided as .shp files and metadata are required. 

(iii) MAPS. Project GIS deliverables shall be organized in such a way as to allow easy replication of the maps found in the final project report. The GIS project files shall be provided as ESRI ArcGIS .mxd, or .aprx files saved with relative path names to data sources. 

b. To facilitate the SEO’s accurate evaluation of the Consultant's work product, computations, conclusions and recommendations, the Consultant shall: 

(i) Include in the final report a section describing the assumptions and methodology used by the Consultant in generating the data and conclusions contained in that chapter. 

(ii) Maintain a project work file containing the materials and all raw data3 used in project analysis. This file will be available for review by the SEO and should be organized in such a way as to allow replication of the steps and procedures used by the Consultant to reach the conclusions described in the Study. 

(iii) Prepare a project notebook containing a description of the assumptions and methodologies used in the project analysis. The notebook shall be organized in such a way as to allow replication of the steps, calculations, and procedures used by the Consultant to reach conclusions, described in the draft final report. The project notebook shall be submitted with the draft final report. 

4. Final Report 

The Consultant shall use the Contract Scope of Services as the outline for draft and final reports  so that Consultant compliance with Contract provisions can be verified. If the final report contains  information of an engineering nature, the cover of the final report, all plates, and the executive  summary must be stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Wyoming. If the final report contains information of a geologic nature, the cover of the final  report, all plates, and the executive summary must be stamped and signed by a Professional  Geologist licensed in the State of Wyoming. If the final report contains information of both an  engineering and geologic nature, the cover of the final report, all plates, and the executive summary  must be stamped and signed by both a Professional Engineer and a Professional Geologist licensed  in the State of Wyoming.  

5. Final Report - Digital Format 

In addition to the paper submittal described in Section C.4 above, the Consultant shall also provide  the final documents and related materials in a digital format. This digital report shall be contained  on USB drive(s), or other media as approved by the project manager, and shall be in Searchable  Image Adobe Acrobat format (pdf).  

6. Project Access 

The Consultant shall be responsible for obtaining access as required for project tasks. 

7. Stand-By Time 

The SEO will not reimburse the Consultant for stand-by time charges for the Consultant's  supervisory personnel. 

D. SCOPE OF SERVICES: All information gained in the process of this Study will be  included in the draft and final reports for the project. 

Task 1. Information Review 

The Consultant shall gather and review relevant information pertaining to water impacts on  consumptive uses within the South Piney drainage within the State of Wyoming. Studies or  research performed on these river basins or in other basins inside or outside of the State of  Wyoming shall also be reviewed if they are deemed relevant to this Study. This includes  information available through the Wyoming Water Development Office (WWDC), Water  Resources Data System, Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (SEO), Wyoming Department of  Environmental Quality Water Quality Division, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Natural Resources  Conservation Service, United States Geological Survey (USGS), and any other sources as  appropriate.  

The Consultant shall provide a summary of existing information in the final report and, where  applicable, include the document title, year written, author, date completed, synopsis, and Study recommendations. The Consultant shall provide a digital library that contains individual pdfs of  each study reviewed in this task to the project manager. 

Task 2. Meetings 

Project meetings with the SEO team and project manager will occur monthly and be conducted  virtually. Either party may request an in-person meeting when the need arises. The Consultant  shall prepare all materials and meeting notes, as applicable. 

A scoping meeting shall be held early in the project schedule, to obtain input from, and share  information between, the SEO and the Consultant. The scoping meeting will be in Cheyenne and  shall be coordinated with the SEO project manager. 

Task 3. Data Aggregation 

The Consultant shall identify all appropriate data within South Piney drainage for the purposes of  evaluating the impact of water availability on consumptive uses  

Task 4. Consumptive Use Measurements  

The Consultant shall utilize sufficient measurement data set(s) including time scale (historical  and/or current), seasonality of data, and means and methods to quantify the impacts water  availability has on consumptive use. Consultants will determine what detectable difference in  consumptive use there is due to the availability of Free River and/or Seconds above that of the  original 1 CFS per 70 acre water supply. This will be done, using available, historical water use  data and SEO administrative data on the South Piney drainage. Consultant will conduct the above  assessments on the field, stream reach, and drainage scales. The methodology ultimately selected  must be fully described in the final written report with all supporting data. The Consultant may  propose a method(s) to meet objectives and in doing so, adhere to the prescribed practices and  limitations defined by the methodologies selected.  

Task 5. Regional Tool and Procedures Development 

The Consultant shall characterize and quantify consumptive uses for the South Piney Drainage  and all applicable stream reaches. This method and/or tool should incorporate all necessary  data for the proposed South Piney Drainage and components to be utilized on all future  assessments. The Consultant, in coordination with the project manager and the SEO, will  develop methodology and guidance for the use of this method and/or tool. Within the guidance  provided, the tool shall be applied to the measurement sites chosen to provide examples of the  method’s use.

Task 6. Recommendations  

The Consultant shall develop recommendations relating to the improvement of consumptive use  estimations. These recommendations may identify additional opportunities for refinement and  areas of further study. The Consultant will provide cost estimates and possible funding  opportunities for additional research.  

Task 8. Draft Report 

The Consultant shall submit to the SEO two (2) hard copies of a draft report describing the results  of all work completed in this Study, 3 months prior to the proposed completion of the Study, as  well as a digital copy of the report in Microsoft Word format. In addition, two (2) USB drive copies  of the draft Excel, model files, and GIS files will be provided. The PDF version will be completely  assembled into one standalone file, and shall be exactly the same version as the hard copy. Each  USB drive shall be conspicuously labeled.  

Task 9. Report Presentations 

Following the review of the draft report, the Consultant shall present the findings of the study to  an audience and location determined by the SEO. This presentation is independent of the meetings  included under Task 2. Information and materials to be presented at the SEO meeting shall be  developed by the Consultant after consultation with the project manager. The Consultant shall be  responsible for developing a record of the meeting which shall become an appendix in the final  report. The record will include: any formal and/or informal notices; any materials presented or  handed out at the meeting; a record of attendance; any written comments, statements, or exhibits  received; recorded testimony, or a memorandum summarizing the views and comments presented  at the meeting; and other pertinent data.  

The Consultant shall coordinate with the project manager in planning for the presentation to ensure  adherence to established policies and guidelines.  

Task 10. Final Report and Deliverables 

After incorporation of the project manager’s review comments on the draft report, the Consultant  shall submit one (1) final report and one (1) executive summary in hard copy along with one (1)  USB drive containing the final report and executive summary in a text-recognized Adobe Acrobat  (pdf) format to the project manager 1 to 2 weeks prior to the final deadline for final comparison  purposes. The pdf version shall be completely assembled into one stand-alone file and shall be  exactly the same version as the hard copies. Any discrepancies discovered by the project manager between the hard copy and electronic copy during this final comparison are the  responsibility of the Consultant to correct.

Upon completion of the final quality assurance process by the SEO, the Consultant shall submit  all final documents and materials to the project manager on or before February 1, 2026. These  final documents and materials, shall include: 1) three (3) hard copies of the final report, and 2)  three (3) hard copies of the executive summary. The executive summary shall outline the purpose,  findings, recommendations and configuration of the project.  

The summary should not exceed ten (10) pages. One of the hard copies shall be sent to the SEO  Cokeville Office. Any final reports which have been submitted in three-ring notebook format shall  have spine labels clearly identifying the project, Consultant and date. In addition the following  USB drives and contents shall be provided: 

Four (4) USB drive copies containing the final report and executive summary in original formats  (Word, Excel, etc.) and in a text-recognized Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. The pdf version will be  completely assembled into one stand-alone file. All electronic files shall be exactly the same  version as the hard copies. The USB drives shall contain GIS data if applicable. See Attachment  “B”, Section B Project Requirements, item #2 for further details. Each USB shall be labeled with  the project name, contents of the media and date (month and year only). 

Two (2) USB drives containing individual digital copies of each study reviewed in Task 1 will be  submitted to the project manager. Each USB shall be labeled with the project name, contents of  the media and date (month and year only).  

Two (2) USB drive copies of the Regional Tool developed in Task 5. This should include the  methodology and guidance developed. Each USB shall be labeled with the project name, contents  of the media and date (month and year only). 

One (1) project notebook containing the working files used in this project will be provided. The  project notebook files shall include descriptions of the assumptions and methodologies used in the  project analysis. The notebook shall be organized in such a way as to allow replication of the  steps, calculations, and procedures used by the Consultant to reach the conclusions described in  the final report. The preferred format for the project notebook is digital, provided on a USB drive.  Each USB shall be labeled with the project name, contents of the media and date (month  and year only). Any project notebooks which have been submitted in three-ring notebook format  shall have spine labels clearly identifying the project, Consultant and date.


Task Estimated Cost 

1. Information Review $____________ 2. Meetings $____________ 3. Site Determination $____________ 4. Transit Loss Measurements $____________ 5. Regional Tool and Procedures Development $____________ 6. Recommendations $____________ 7. Draft Report $____________ 8. Report Presentations $____________ 9. Final Report and Deliverables $____________ 


Including Labor, Reimbursable, and Subconsultant Expenses $____________ 

In the spaces below, provide the Labor and Reimbursable Expenses of the prime consultant along  with any additional Subconsultant Expenses which are included within the above tasks. These  three amounts when added together should equal the project total cost listed above. 

Proposed Labor Expenses (prime only) $__________ Proposed Reimbursable Expenses (prime only) $__________ Proposed Subconsultant Expenses $__________ 

Firm Name and Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 

Signature of Firm President or Authorized Agent: _________________________ Title of Authorized Agent: __________________________________________ Employer Identification Number: _____________________________________

Shortlisted Consultants

The short list contains those who receive an invitation to submit a proposal in response to a specific RFP.

Proposal No. 23-001, Green River and New Fork River Transit Loss

Follum Hydrologic Solutions

Jorgensen Associates

Stantec Consulting Services

Strike Consulting Group

Trihydro Corporation


Proposal No. 23-002, Water Availability Impacts on Consumptive Use

Desert Research Institute

Hydroscape Analytics

Stantec Consulting Services

Strike Consulting Group

Trihydro Corporation

2024 Interview Results

Proposal Contracted Company Contract Budget

Proposal No. 23-001 Follum Hydrologic Solutions $376, 327.00

Proposal No. 23-002 Trihydro Corporation $269,880.00

Consultant Resources


*The Wyoming State Engineer's Office is a sister agency to the Wyoming Water Development Office, as such the resources found on this page are the same documents found on the Water Development Commission's website to maintain consistency in expectations and relevant statute identification.

Prospective consultants and sub-consultants wishing to be considered for any of the listed projects shall submit Statements of Qualification (SOQ) - 254 forms, Statements of Interest (SOI) - 255 forms and Wyoming Resident Firm Certification forms (if applicable) to the Water Development Commission.

Firms offering "professional services" and claiming "resident firm" status as defined by W.S. 9-23-102 shall submit for each project of interest a Wyoming Resident Firm Certification form. The form certifies that the firm is legally registered and in good standing with the Wyoming Secretary of State's Office; possesses a physical office residing within the State of Wyoming staffed by qualified individuals with professional and technical expertise who are employed in the state; and if the firm is selected for the project, it will ensure that the applicable percentage of the contract costs for professional services, as set forth in Wyoming Statute § 9-23-102(a)(vi)(B), shall be performed by individuals or consultants who are employed in the State of Wyoming, who will perform their labor or professional services provided under the contract within the boundaries of the State of Wyoming, and who shall possess the professional and technical qualifications necessary to perform the work required by the contract.

** 254/255/Resident Firm Certification forms may be submitted electronically, in a COMBINED pdf format, to the point of contact listed in the specific Professional Services Request. If you choose to submit electronically PLEASE submit a complete package for EACH project, including 254s for prime and sub-consultants as well as your 255 and Resident Firm Certification (if applicable) in a single combined PDF. Please send a separate email for each project you're submitting materials for along with contact information including email, phone number and primary office location doing the work.**

If you choose to submit via mail, please provide two (2) copies each of your 254, 255 and Resident Firm Certification form (if applicable) as well as any 254s of sub-consultants. Please submit separate documents on each project for which you would like to be considered. Copies of forms 254, 255 and the Wyoming Resident Firm Certification form may be accessed below.

An email address MUST be provided for distribution of RFP's and correspondence, see box #4 on form 254. Firms offering professional engineering services must provide their Board issued Wyoming license number.

Consultants will be selected by the SEO to prepare proposals, as per W.S. 9-23-104 and W.S. 9-23-105 using information contained in the SOQ of the prime consultant and any sub-consultants, the SOI of the prime consultant, and the Wyoming Resident Firm Certification form (if applicable).

Forms & Codes

Form 254 Instructions

Form 254 Form

Form 255 Instructions

Form 255 Form


Resident Firm Certification

Consultant Documents

Consultant Shortlist Guidelines

Consultant Proposal Review Guidelines

Consultant Selection Guidelines

Consultant Performance Reviews Memo

Performance Review Form for Consultants-Construction

Performance Review Form for Consultants-Planning