Projects & Studies

The State Engineer is charged with administering and overseeing all matters involving Wyoming's interstate and intrastate streams and rivers. A primary objective of the agency is to safeguard the State’s current and future water supplies by preserving Wyoming’s ability to use and develop our water allocations under our interstate compacts and court decrees.  The Interstate Streams Division provides technical and policy support for water allocation and administration issues associated with these governing compacts and decrees. The Water Planning activities of the agency are also coordinated in this Division. 

This page is dedicated to share information about current and future studies. Please contact a river basin coordinator for basin specific questions

Transit Loss Study PROPOSAL NO. 23 - 001

Water Availability Study PROPOSAL NO. 23-002

Shortlisted Consultants

2024 Interview Results

Consultant Resources


Prospective consultants and sub-consultants wishing to be considered for any of the listed projects shall submit Statements of Qualification (SOQ) - 254 forms, Statements of Interest (SOI) - 255 forms and Wyoming Resident Firm Certification forms (if applicable) to the Water Development Commission.

Firms offering "professional services" and claiming "resident firm" status as defined by W.S. 9-23-102 shall submit for each project of interest a Wyoming Resident Firm Certification form. The form certifies that the firm is legally registered and in good standing with the Wyoming Secretary of State's Office; possesses a physical office residing within the State of Wyoming staffed by qualified individuals with professional and technical expertise who are employed in the state; and if the firm is selected for the project, it will ensure that the applicable percentage of the contract costs for professional services, as set forth in Wyoming Statute § 9-23-102(a)(vi)(B), shall be performed by individuals or consultants who are employed in the State of Wyoming, who will perform their labor or professional services provided under the contract within the boundaries of the State of Wyoming, and who shall possess the professional and technical qualifications necessary to perform the work required by the contract.

** 254/255/Resident Firm Certification forms may be submitted electronically, in a COMBINED pdf format, to the point of contact listed in the specific Professional Services Request. If you choose to submit electronically PLEASE submit a complete package for EACH project, including 254s for prime and sub-consultants as well as your 255 and Resident Firm Certification (if applicable) in a single combined PDF. Please send a separate email for each project you're submitting materials for along with contact information including email, phone number and primary office location doing the work.**

If you choose to submit via mail, please provide two (2) copies each of your 254, 255 and Resident Firm Certification form (if applicable) as well as any 254s of sub-consultants. Please submit separate documents on each project for which you would like to be considered. Copies of forms 254, 255 and the Wyoming Resident Firm Certification form may be accessed below.

An email address MUST be provided for distribution of RFP's and correspondence, see box #4 on form 254. Firms offering professional engineering services must provide their Board issued Wyoming license number.

Consultants will be selected by the WWDC to prepare proposals, as per W.S. 9-23-104 and W.S. 9-23-105 using information contained in the SOQ of the prime consultant and any sub-consultants, the SOI of the prime consultant, and the Wyoming Resident Firm Certification form (if applicable).

The WWDC will be seeking authorization for these projects from the 2025 Legislature. If authorization is not granted, the selection-contract process will be discontinued.

Forms & Codes

Form 254

Form 255


Resident Firm Certification

Consultant Documents

Consultant Shortlist Guidelines

Consultant Proposal Review Guidelines

Consultant Selection Guidelines

Consultant Performance Reviews Memo

Performance Review Form for Consultants