Green River Basin
Charlie Ferrantelli
River Basin Coordinator
122 W. 25th St.
Herschler Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Mel Fegler
River Basin Coordinator
122 W. 25th St.
Herschler Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Jeff Cowley
Division Administrator
122 W. 25th St.
Herschler Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Bureau of Reclamation Updates
This data is considered the most likely scenario given the current forecast, is general, and is subject to changing conditions. Forecasted (tentative) hourly release schedules can be found by visiting the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center at this website: However, notification updates such as this one could take some time, a day or so, to be reflected on the website. Tabulated hourly data can be found on the same page under the link, “Hourly Forecast Flow csv” in the lower right hand corner of the webpage.
2/6/2024 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
Beginning on February 7, 2024, the daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam shall decrease from 2,120 cfs to 2,020 cfs. The daily average release of 2,020 cfs will continue thereafter or until a new notification is issued. The reductions in Flaming Gorge Dam daily average release are scheduled as follows.
11/29/2023 Fontenelle Reservoir Operations Update
Beginning on November 29, 2023, the daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam shall increase from 1,450 cfs to 2,120 cfs, according to the schedule below. The average daily release of 2,120 cfs will continue thereafter or until a new notification is issued.
As outlined in LaGory et al., 2019, differences in mean daily flow between days could be up to 300 cfs (instead of being limited to 3% of the previous day’s flow) without violating the 0.1 m/day limit on stage change when transitioning from one flow regime to another.
LaGory et al., 2019 is available online at the following link:
11/16/2023 Fontenelle Reservoir Operations Update
Fontenelle Dam releases need to be adjusted due to changes in hydrologic conditions.
This release change constitutes the start of the winter base flow period.
The scheduled releases at Fontenelle Dam are as follows:
Date 11/16/2023
Local Time 10:00 am
Initial Hourly Release 1,100 cfs
Change + 75 cfs
Final Hourly Release 1,175 cfs
The release of 1,175 cfs will continue until further notice.
5/23/2023 Fontenelle Reservoir Operations Update
Based on increasing reservoir inflows, releases from Fontenelle Dam are scheduled to be increased from 3,500 cfs to 4,500 cfs on May 24, 2023 beginning at 10:00 am MDT (local time) according to the following schedule. Bypass will be used to achieve the needed releases as scheduled above. Power release is currently at the maximum allowed release at the current pool elevation and will not change. The average daily release of 4,500 cfs will continue until further notice.
5/18/2023 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
The Yampa River is projected to exceed Flood Stage of 20,744 cfs on May 20, 2023, reaching a peak of approximately 24,400 cfs on May 26, 2023. The projected peak flow exceeds the threshold for moderate flooding. For more detailed information on Yampa River flows, please see the CBRFC website:
The Green River near Jensen is projected to exceed Flood stage on May 23, 2023, reaching a maximum projected flow of approximately 24,800 cfs on May 26, 2023. Releases from Flaming Gorge Reservoir are planned to remain at the minimum release of 800 cfs. Also, the Flaming Gorge spring peak release is not planned to be implemented until after the Yampa River has started to decrease. The spring peak releases are planned to be implemented to achieve Reach 2 targets of 18,600 cfs, much below the flood stage of 24,100 cfs in the Jensen Area. For more information regarding projected flows on the Green River near Jensen, please visit the following website:
Forecasted (tentative) hourly release schedules for Flaming Gorge Reservoir can be found by visiting the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center at this website: Additionally, the Green River near Green River, Utah is projected to exceed the Action Stage of 32,209 cfs on May 24, 2023, reaching an estimated peak of about 35,000 cfs on May 26th, 2023. For more information regarding projected flows on the Green River near Green River, Utah, please visit the following website:
Please use caution when recreating on or near swift moving water.
5/17/2023 Fontenelle Reservoir Operations Update
Based on increasing reservoir inflows, releases from Fontenelle Dam are scheduled to be increased from 3,500 cfs to 3,850 cfs on May 18, 2023 beginning at 10:00 am MDT (local time). Bypass will be used to achieve the needed releases. Power release is currently at the maximum allowed release at the current pool elevation and will not change. The average daily release of 3,850 cfs will continue until further notice.
5/15/2023 Fontenelle Reservoir Operations Update
Based on increasing reservoir inflows, releases from Fontenelle Dam are scheduled to be increased from 2,450 cfs to 3,500 cfs on May 15, 2023 beginning at 4:00 pm MDT (local time) according to the following schedule. Bypass will be used to achieve the needed releases as scheduled above. Power release is currently at the maximum allowed release at the current pool elevation and will not change. The average daily release of 3,500 cfs will continue until further notice.
5/1/2023 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
4/2/2023 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
Due to continuing maintenance needs, the daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam is scheduled to remain at 800 cfs. Releases will be made through either the bypass or the power plant but are planned to be maintained at 800 cfs total release at all times with no hourly fluctuations. The average daily release of 800 cfs will continue until a new notification is sent.
3/24/2023 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
I wanted to clarify the previous notification. I erroneously included a sentence stating the hourly release schedules may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts. The minimum Flaming Gorge streamflow release is 800 cfs, so when the average daily release is adjusted to 800 cfs on March 27th, there will not be any hourly fluctuations in the release schedule. Daily releases will be a flat 800 cfs. The forecasted (tentative) hourly release schedules have been updated on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center at this website: Tabulated hourly data can be found on the same page under the link, “Hourly Forecast Flow csv” in the lower right hand corner of the webpage. This data is considered the most likely scenario given the current forecast, is general, and is subject to changing conditions.
3/23/2023 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
Flaming Gorge Dam will be undergoing regularly scheduled maintenance over the next couple of weeks. Accordingly, the daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam is scheduled to be decreased beginning on March 27th, 2023 from 925 cfs to 800 cfs. During the period from March 27th at 7:00 am MDT (local time) through March 31st at 5:00 pm MDT, releases will be made through either the bypass or the power plant but are planned to be maintained at 800 cfs total release at all times. The average daily release of 800 cfs will continue until a new notification is sent. Hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.
3/14/2023 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
Based on improvements in the current hydrology, as well as the current reservoir conditions, Reclamation managers and operators deem it prudent to make additional operational adjustments consistent with the 2006 Record of Decision. The daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam is scheduled to be decreased beginning on March 16, 2023 from 1,175 cfs to 925 cfs according to the schedule below. The average daily release of 925 cfs will continue until a new notification is sent. Hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.
2/1/2023 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
The hourly pattern for releases from Flaming Gorge Dam is scheduled to be adjusted based on the following chart beginning on February 1, 2023. The current average daily release of 1,760 cfs remains unchanged and will continue until a new notification is sent. Hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.
12/6/2022 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
The daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam is scheduled to be increased beginning on December 8, 2022 from 1,700 cfs to 1,760 cfs according to the schedule below. The average daily release of 1,760 cfs will continue until a new notification is sent. Hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.
11/30/2022 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
The hourly release pattern from Flaming Gorge is scheduled to be adjusted tomorrow (December 1, 2022) based on power demand/contracting considerations according to the following graph. This hourly pattern is similar to patterns discussed in a coordination meeting earlier this year with WAPA, the Green River Outfitters and Guides Association (GROGA), and others and represents a compromise between power generation and Green River recreation interests. The daily average release will remain at 1,700 cfs and will continue until a new notification is sent. Hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include additional daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.
11/17/2022 Flaming Gorge Boat Ramp Update (Anvil Closure)
The following notice was developed jointly with the National Forest Service:
CLOSURE - Anvil Draw Boat Launch Area
The Anvil Draw Boat Launch Area, located approximately 11 miles northeast of Manilla, Utah, is the first boat ramp impacted by decreasing water levels at Flaming Gorge Dam and became inoperable this week as the reservoir's elevation dropped below 6,011 feet.
As the Colorado River Basin has been experiencing prolonged drought and low runoff conditions, Lake Powell and Lake Mead storages have declined to record-low levels. Lake Powell is at risk of declining below the minimum power pool elevation of 3,490 feet, at which point it can no longer generate hydropower. To help address these declining levels, Reclamation is releasing additional water from Flaming Gorge and future releases will be considered in operational year 2023-2024.
Reclamation completed a Bathymetric survey to verify the bottom elevations of 10 boat ramps to track when they could become inoperable.
The only dock that is projected to be impacted in water year 2023 is the Anvil Draw Boat Launch Area.
Flaming Gorge's elevation is expected to continue to decline throughout the fall and winter months, temporarily dropping to an elevation of around 6,008 feet until spring runoff.
To view the full boat ramp survey, visit: Flaming Gorge Reservoir 2022 Boat Ramps Survey (
Current Flaming Gorge Reservoir elevations can be found here: 40-Day Data | Water Operations | UC Region | Bureau of Reclamation (
11/4/2022 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
The daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam is scheduled to be decreased beginning on November 6, 2022 from 1,760 cfs to 1,700 cfs according to the schedule below. The average daily release of 1,700 cfs will continue until a new notification is sent. Hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.
11/1/2022 Flaming Gorge Boat Ramp Survey Report
The Provo Area Office of the Bureau of Reclamation completed a Bathymetric survey at each of the Flaming Gorge boat ramps and marinas in June 2022 in response to questions regarding boat ramp elevations. The attached report summarizes the survey and findings.
10/31/2022 Fontenelle Reservoir Operations Update
The Fontenelle Power Plant is undergoing maintenance until further notice. Releases may switch intermittently between the bypass and power plant, though releases will remain at 1,000 cfs.
10/19/2022 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
The daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam is scheduled to be decreased beginning on October 20, 2022 from 1,820 cfs to 1,760 cfs according to the schedule below. The average daily release of 1,760 cfs will continue until a new notification is sent. Hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.
9/22/2022 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
Due to increased Yampa River flows, the daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam is scheduled to be decreased beginning on September 23, 2022 from 1,880 cfs to 1,820 cfs according to the schedule below. The average daily release of 1,820 cfs will continue until a new notification is sent. Hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.
9/13/2022 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
Due to increased Yampa River flows, the daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam is scheduled to be decreased beginning on September 15, 2022 from 1,940 cfs to 1,880 cfs according to the schedule below. The average daily release of 1,880 cfs will continue until a new notification is sent. Hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.
9/2/2022 Fontenelle Reservoir Operations Update
Releases from Fontenelle Dam are scheduled to be decreased from 1,100 cfs to 1,000 cfs September 6th, 2022 beginning at 10:00 am MDT.
8/30/2022 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
Beginning on September 1, 2022, the daily average release from Flaming Gorge Dam is scheduled be increased from 1,820 cfs to 1,880 cfs according to the schedule below. The average daily release of 1,880 cfs will continue until a new notification is sent. Hourly release schedules issued by WAPA for power production may include daily fluctuations to meet power demand contracts.
8/22/2022 Flaming Gorge Reservoir Operations Update
Colorado River Documents
The Criteria for Coordinated Long-Range Operation of Colorado River Reservoirs
Minute 242 of the U.S. Mexican International Boundary and Water Commission
Cooperative Agreement: Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program
Interim Shortage Guidelines: Coordinated Reservoir Operations
Minute 316 of the U.S. Mexican International Boundary and Water Commission
Minute 317 of the U.S. Mexican International Boundary and Water Commission
Minute 318 of the U.S. Mexican International Boundary and Water Commission
Minute 319 of the U.S. Mexican International Boundary and Water Commission
Link to Informational Video
Green River and Little Snake River Basins
Green River Consumptive Use Determination Plan (2008)
Water Planning
Links to Additional Information